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Gait Analysis

The overall gait pathology of a person can be measured using three-dimensional gait analysis (3DGA). A profile of the kinematics, kinetics and temporal-spatial parameters of the gait are analyzed and a gait score is given to show the gait deviations of an individual. The gait profiles and gait deviations against normal gait can also be visualized to get a better understanding of the overall gait pathology. A score of 100 or higher indicates that the absence of gait pathology. For every 10 points below 100 correspond to 1 standard deviation away from average normal children.


Why Gait Analysis is Important

Gait can be simply defined as the way a person walks. Gait observation and analysis is important for many reasons such as listed below:

  1. It can provide early diagnostic clues for a number of disorders including cerebral palsy and Parkinson’s disease.
  2. It can assist medical practitioners to identify the root cause of walking abnormalities.
  3. It may be used to improve treatment planning.
  4. It can determine effectiveness of a treatment plan and decide if further treatment is necessary.
